Plans for a new hydroelectric power plant in Romania have caught the attention of a number of foreign investors. The construction will be located approximately 30 kilometres from Cluj-Napoca, an important and large city in Transylvania. Tarnita Lake, on the Somesul Cald River, will house the hydroelectric power plant.
Plans are well under way for the development of the Tarnita-Lapusesti hydro-power plant. It is estimated that the construction will last somewhere between five and seven years and after it is complete, the new hydro-power plant will create more than 4.000 new jobs in Romania.
Romania officials have declared that a number of foreign investors are already interested in the hydro-power plant and the pre-qualification documentation for investment can be bought for 12,000 EUR.
Interested foreign investors have begun the pre-qualification procedures and as well as the preparation of the payment formalities. During the procedure for obtaining the pre-qualification documentation, foreign investors must obtain a power of attorney in order to be able to receive the necessary documentation. A list of investors will be published by Romanian authorities during the fall of 2014.
Why invest in Romania’s hydro-power plants
Romania has a huge potential for developing alternative energy resources. Foreign investors who seek and see this potential are able to make early investments and to be among the first in the country who are exploiting valuable natural resources.
The Tarnita-Lapusesti hydroelectric power plant will have four 250 MW units and will yield important quantities of electrical energy. Tarnita Lake will be the lower accumulation reservoir of the power plant. The superior accumulation reservoir will be constructed at an altitude of approximately 550 meters, on the Lapusesti plateau.
The Tarnita-Lapusesti hydroelectric power plant is the most important energy project in Cluj county, Romania. Romania’s power sector has many investment opportunities for foreign investors. The Cernavoda nuclear power plant is the most important in Romania and future plans for development and construction already exist in that area.